Thursday, April 3, 2008

my friend

I love traveling and flying all over the world.
I have a very close friend who wants to be a pilot, he
loves flying too,he lives here in calgary and he goes
to the airport for the avaition course.He is 23 years
old and he is arabian,he is from YEMEN.
He promissed me that he is going to take me for a city tour
as a birth day gift,i'm so excited for that trip, i think its
gonna be a lot of fun being on an airplane with a pilot friend.
He told me that its not gonna be that fun if its windy because
its a small airplane with a single engine and he worn me that its
gonne be danguors, but i told him that i'm ready to take all the risk
just to take that tour with him and see how does it feels.
He told me that one day while he was flying to RED DEER,it was a little
bit windy,so as he gets closer to the runway, the winds pushed him off
the runway and he landed half a mile away from it, that was the only experince
for him with the strong winds, but now i think he is a great pilot.
Fainally, i'm sooo excited for that trip, i have to wait for four months for the
next birth day !!!

1 comment:

♥ Sunny ♥ said...

we are in the same school, all same clases, same APT, you're always my partner haha It's very funny.We are best friend. right??
I want that we are go to travel together.