Wednesday, April 2, 2008

my new place.

The last 31 of march, i moved to one of my best arabian friend's place. He is like my brother. This place is located in downtown. Thats makes me so happy because before i used to live far away. in order to get school i had to take a bus and then the c-train, but now everything is so easy. i live two block from a c-train station, so i dont have to use an hour to get to school. In additon, im so happy because Sunny lives in this building too. She moved this month too. Right now my appartmen is not taht clean, but we are working on that. hahaha. actually i feel like my new place is now one of my favorite places. It is a place where all my friends meet and have fun. Is fun because the mixture of the cultures between Mexicans and Arabs makes this place interesting. For example, my roomate is always smoking shisha, and now im doing that too. I can say taht im an expert. The only thing that i do not like from my new place, is that it is located in a 22 floor, so i have to take the elevator every day. Elevators make me sikc, but i wont take the stairs for sure. im soo lazy to do that. Well, if anybody wants to visit me at my new place, you are welcome. Do not forget to call me before, and if you are going to accept the invitation you will have to clean with me, and bring somtehing ehh.. nothing is free hahahaha :D

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