Wednesday, April 2, 2008


The last weekend i went to Edmonton with my mexican friends. It was fun, exciting and exhausting at the same time. A the beginning we were lost like for three hours. We couldt found the way out from Calgary to Edmonton. The driver was Victor, he had problems with direcctions. hahahaha. He does not know which is his right and his left. We start laughing at him and say to him to the left to the left, and he took his right, many times. then we got angry and desperated because everybody wanted to get to Edmonton. When we found the way to there, we start to sing and dance as crazy. When we got there the first thing we did, was to go to the mall, and ate. Then we did the fist shoppings. Latter we got lost again for an hour and a half trying to find a hostel. When we finally found it, we bought some drinks. And we had a party at the room. The next day everybody was hung over, and nobody wanted to go to the mall. Anyways, we went to the mall, and did some shopping again. In this mall there is a recreation area where a mountain railroad, i guess that the way how is it called. It was very fun because it was my first time that Arturo rode one of those things. We came back that day. I arrived at noon, and i went to sleep over to my friends house. That weekend was awesome, i had so much fun. Also, i got new cloth that im exited to wear.


♥ Sunny ♥ said...

I want that after this semester, I will go to the Edmonton. but i'm not sure. your story is very interesting about Edmonton. so I will go there. Do you want go to the travel with me??

Klaudia'S timE! said...

yesss!! lest gOO to edmontONN!!! and have fuN! :D