Thursday, April 3, 2008

The easyiest way to get lost

live in Calgary, and its too easy to get lost in this city, all you have to
do is , merge into a wrong intersection and there you go,boooom , in the middle of no where,
actully , that happend to me with my friends soo many times and to be honest
i don't know what we could've done with out my friend's (SAMI) GPS.So many times we plan
to go to somewhere that takes only 20 minutes driveing and for some reason it takes us more
than 45 to 50 minutes, we feel bad at the beging,but as soon as we get into the right way, we
start to plame each other that it was his or her fault and it is soo much fun, actully its always
my best friend's fault, DENISSE. sorry DENISSE, am just trying to be honest, because she always
wants to be the navigator for the driver SAMI.
FAINALLY,am gonna give an advise, if you are driving in a city that you are not familyer with, always
keep the right lane and stay within limits , that will help you alot and you will appreciate it later,
because that is sami's fault, he is always speeding and driving on the very far lane for the

jumperRR!!! the movieeee

There is a movie called Jumper. I like this movie because i love to travel, and this movie take place in many different places of the world where i would like to go one day. The movie is about a guy who has a don, a special skill. He can transport himself from one place to another. Ones he discover his don he started to stiling banks all over the world. Every time he nedded something he just go to the bank and stil it. During the night time he had a really fancy life. He spent money in everithing he wanted. He just nedded to hold pictures or see pictures from the places he wanted to go, and when he saw the pictures he transportated himself to that place. In my oppinion is a very good movie. It is full of imagination, and many people would like to live that experience. The thing that i like from this movies is the fact that the guy can travel anytime he wants , and as i said before i love to travel.


sorry it was fernie ....

the last month we went to Fernie. This place is located in bc. We left Calgary in the afternoon, and we arrived there in te night. I like too much the place. This is a place in where you can do Sking. I did not want to try because i get afraid to those kind of sports. I had a really good time there with all my friends. The first night we had a latin party. As usuall we put some spanish music, and we bought something to drink and some snaks. The next day i went to watch the people who were doing skiing. All the time i was with the company of my friends. After that, we went back to the hotel and enjoy our afternoon in the hot top. We had so much fun at the hot top, i really feel like i could relax. In the night every body assited to the party that they organized for us. It was also because of St. Patricks day so we wore fun green hats and other accesories. Finally in the last day we went to skiinn again, but i just went for a walk. We came back that afternoon. The trip was awesome. I did unusual things that i have not tried before, so it was worth it.


the last month we went to Fernie. This place is located in bc. We left Calgary in the afternoon, and we arrived there in te night. I like too much the place. This is a place in where you can do Sking. I did not want to try because i get afraid to those kind of sports. I had a really good time there with all my friends. The first night we had a latin party. As usuall we put some spanish music, and we bought something to drink and some snaks. The next day i went to watch the people who were doing skiing. All the time i was with the company of my friends. After that, we went back to the hotel and enjoy our afternoon in the hot top. We had so much fun at the hot top, i really feel like i could relax. In the night every body assited to the party that they organized for us. It was also because of St. Patricks day so we wore fun green hats and other accesories. Finally in the last day we went to skiinn again, but i just went for a walk. We came back that afternoon. The trip was awesome. I did unusual things that i have not tried before, so it was worth it.

my friend

I love traveling and flying all over the world.
I have a very close friend who wants to be a pilot, he
loves flying too,he lives here in calgary and he goes
to the airport for the avaition course.He is 23 years
old and he is arabian,he is from YEMEN.
He promissed me that he is going to take me for a city tour
as a birth day gift,i'm so excited for that trip, i think its
gonna be a lot of fun being on an airplane with a pilot friend.
He told me that its not gonna be that fun if its windy because
its a small airplane with a single engine and he worn me that its
gonne be danguors, but i told him that i'm ready to take all the risk
just to take that tour with him and see how does it feels.
He told me that one day while he was flying to RED DEER,it was a little
bit windy,so as he gets closer to the runway, the winds pushed him off
the runway and he landed half a mile away from it, that was the only experince
for him with the strong winds, but now i think he is a great pilot.
Fainally, i'm sooo excited for that trip, i have to wait for four months for the
next birth day !!!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Adriano: The Best of the Best

My brother in Canada, he loves Adriano so much and that's why he talks about him all the time. And now I love Adriano too, and I wanna talk about Adriano the Brazilian striker is one of the best players in the world, because he has one of the most powerful legs in the world. He plays now for Sao Paolo in Brazil and used to play for Inter in Italy and before that he played for Parma and Fiorntena in Italy too.

Adriano plays for the national team for Brazil since 2004, he won the South America cup in the 2004 and he was the best player in the tournament and the best scorer too. Also, in 2005 he won the Intercontinental cup and the best player and scorer awards, and he played the World cup in the summer of 2006 and scores two goals against Australia and Ghana.

Adriano is still consider on of the best in the world and a lot of the people in the soccer admit that. For example, his ex-coach Roberto Mancini said that Adriano is the future of Inter. Aarigo Sachi the ex-coach for Parma said that Adriano with his ex-teammate Zlatan Ibrahimovic are the best strikers partners in the world. Also Inter's captain Javier Zanetti said that Adriano is one of the best on the history. I agree with them, Adriano is one of the best and he is the future of Brazilian soccer.

Note: My brother helped me with this post, so thank you brother. You are the best.


The last weekend i went to Edmonton with my mexican friends. It was fun, exciting and exhausting at the same time. A the beginning we were lost like for three hours. We couldt found the way out from Calgary to Edmonton. The driver was Victor, he had problems with direcctions. hahahaha. He does not know which is his right and his left. We start laughing at him and say to him to the left to the left, and he took his right, many times. then we got angry and desperated because everybody wanted to get to Edmonton. When we found the way to there, we start to sing and dance as crazy. When we got there the first thing we did, was to go to the mall, and ate. Then we did the fist shoppings. Latter we got lost again for an hour and a half trying to find a hostel. When we finally found it, we bought some drinks. And we had a party at the room. The next day everybody was hung over, and nobody wanted to go to the mall. Anyways, we went to the mall, and did some shopping again. In this mall there is a recreation area where a mountain railroad, i guess that the way how is it called. It was very fun because it was my first time that Arturo rode one of those things. We came back that day. I arrived at noon, and i went to sleep over to my friends house. That weekend was awesome, i had so much fun. Also, i got new cloth that im exited to wear.

my family.

Im so happy because today is the 30th aniversary of my parents. Yesterday i was thinking about them, and after that i decided to call them to say happy aniversary. So i called them. It was like 2 in the morning. My dad was the one who answered the phone, and the first thing i said was HAPPY ANIVERSARY!!!. The first reaction of my dad was to laugh at loud and say thank you sweetie. Then he passed the phone to my mom who was sleeping. She also was very happy because i called them. She did not expect that call, at that time. I think they are the perfec couple. I have never seen them fighting, actually they are always text messagin to each other. they act like two yougn lovers. Thats true love. Im very glad to have them as my parents, and that also makes me very proud of them. They create a really nice family. At the end of my call i told them a few words, and my mom broke into tears. I could not resist and i cried so bad and made me realize how much i love and miss them.

my new place.

The last 31 of march, i moved to one of my best arabian friend's place. He is like my brother. This place is located in downtown. Thats makes me so happy because before i used to live far away. in order to get school i had to take a bus and then the c-train, but now everything is so easy. i live two block from a c-train station, so i dont have to use an hour to get to school. In additon, im so happy because Sunny lives in this building too. She moved this month too. Right now my appartmen is not taht clean, but we are working on that. hahaha. actually i feel like my new place is now one of my favorite places. It is a place where all my friends meet and have fun. Is fun because the mixture of the cultures between Mexicans and Arabs makes this place interesting. For example, my roomate is always smoking shisha, and now im doing that too. I can say taht im an expert. The only thing that i do not like from my new place, is that it is located in a 22 floor, so i have to take the elevator every day. Elevators make me sikc, but i wont take the stairs for sure. im soo lazy to do that. Well, if anybody wants to visit me at my new place, you are welcome. Do not forget to call me before, and if you are going to accept the invitation you will have to clean with me, and bring somtehing ehh.. nothing is free hahahaha :D